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17 messaggi.
I've heard Angela play several times and would love to again. I just stumbled upon this site and am thrilled that such an opportunity exists. I'll be looking at my calendar to see what's possible........What a wonderful experience this must be.
Joan Kisylia
TMF 2008 – seven nights of musical bliss! What a thrill to watch and hear Angela play/conduct each night along with the superb musical talent chosen to participate. It was like one large musical family coming together night after night to enjoy the best of classical music. Other highlights: The venues were intimate, historic, romantic, and unique; numerous other attendees we met were a joy to get to know; the gala dinners were truly gala – exceeded expectations; the hotel was excellent and well-located for exploring the region; and the TMF staff was exceptionally attentive and patient. My friend and I are still trying to come down to earth after the experience. Needless to say, we have already marked our calendars for next year.
Cecilia du Plessis
I attended the Well-tempered Clavier recitals in South Africa on 27 and 29 May, 2008, and I am grateful for these life-changing experiences - thank you!!
Mel & Penny Davis
We're delighted to be planning to attend our second TMF. The pleasures experienced and the friendships made at our first Festival continue to this very day (this evening actually - we are dining in Sydney with friends from Geneva who we first met at last year's TMF). The program looks great (well done, Angela!) and we look forward to meeting up with those folks we met at the last Festival.
john everett
2007 was our third year attending this wonderful festival. It seems to get even better each year
I think it is a lovely and brilliant idea to share your unique talents with friends and musical admirers. Please count me in. I love the idea of visiting the Italian countryside in the setting of a week of high quality musical presentations. I love the italian language and the very idea of visiting Italy, and what better occasion than the Festival. It's just lovely, I really think you have such foresight and good sense in offering this opportunity to musics lovers. I will be looking for the details of the Festival programme on your web site. With warmest regards and best wishes.
Ewen Langford
This TMF website,a model of its kind,has it all. Nothing is left to chance.It is comprehensive to the nth degree,venues,hotels,artists,programme and even how to pay for the tickets etc are explained in the minutest detail.Wonderful.