Festival Subscription

June 27 – July 3 2024



With this subscription you receive top-tier tickets for all concerts of the Festival (including the event with Sir Simon Schama) with the exception of the three concerts at the Castle of the Knights of Malta in Magione (June 28/29/30). Those will be in the second category. Please note that the evening concert of July 3rd is sold out, so you will receive tickets for the same recital at 4 pm on July 3rd.

The two Gala Dinners of June 27 and July 3 are booked as an option, as is the supper on July 1st between the two events.
June 27: Gala dinner in the Cloister of the Accademia di Belle Arti (next to the church) at 6:30 pm
July 1: Dinner in the Cloister of the Basilica of San Pietro, Perugia at 6:30 pm
July 3: Gala dinner in the Gardens of the Oratorio San Francesco dei Nobili following the concert

If you are a Gold Patron, Patron, Donor, or Contributor you will be taken to a very special Donors Event on July 2nd in the evening, with departure from Perugia.

Please note: No transport to the concerts is included with this subscription. Transport from Perugia to the concerts in Magione can be made available upon request. Please do this as soon as possible and don’t wait for the last moment!

The price per person is € 350,00
For under 25s: € 175,00

Dinner, June 27th

Dinner, July 1st

Dinner, July 3rd


Code: TMF-SA24